The effect of business cycles on profit public and private banks in Iran

Document Type : a


1 PhD student of Economics, Tabriz University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Zanjan University


Profitability is one of the important goals of a bank or a financial institution. So it is necessary to identify effective factors in profitability of bank and the way they influence a financial institution. The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of Business cycle on state and private banks profit in Iran during 2005 to 2017. Therefore, the effect of macro variables variations and Business cycle on profits of 22 state and private banks is modeled and analyzed by using GMM method. The findings indicate that there is a positive and significant correlation between investment of private sector and business cycles and banks’ profits, while there is a negative correlation between investment of public sector and banks’ profits. Moreover, results show that the inflation rate does not have negative and significant relation with banks’ profits. At last Business cycles have significant and positive relation with bank’s profit.


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