Challenges of Iranian non-oil Exports; with Emphasis on the Markets of Neighborhood Countries

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Assistant Prof., Insurance Research Center, Tehran, Iran

2 M.Sc. in Economics from University of Shiraz, Economic Researcher

3 Ph.D in Economic, Lecturer of University of Kurdistan and Head of Risk Department of Omid Entrepreneurship Fund, Tehran, Iran



This study aims to analyze the current situation in order to increase the share of exported items in the neighboring countries’ markets. To this end, in addition to doing a document-based review of previous studies, semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect field data. The data were then analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method and bottom-up coding using MaxQDA. The results of the study showed that the country's export problems originate from the style of economic governance and the turbulent political relations with rich countries and also from the sanctions imposed on the country. In addition, the inefficient structure of the country's bureaucracy and the lack of a powerful centralized superordinate authority to facilitate the country's production and export have been the most important sources of continuing harm in this area. Therefore, in addition to the need to develop and implement a long-term, coherent macro-strategy for production and export as a superordinate document dominating other laws, it is necessary to have a unique and powerful sovereign authority in the country which has undisputed power to remove obstacles and ensure the fulfillment of export goals.


Main Subjects

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