The business cycle dynamics due to the presence of financial frictions in Iran: NARDL approach

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate Professor, Departmet of Economics and Management, Urmia University

2 Assistant Professor, Departmet of Economics and Management, Urmia University

3 PhD. Candidate of Economics, Departmet of Economics and Management, Urmia University



The purpose of this study is to investigate the nonlinear business cycle dynamics due to the presence of financial frictions in Iran's economy. For this purpose, a NARDL model is estimated by using seasonal data during 1991q4- 2021q3. Also, this study used of the ratio Non-Performing Loans/Total Loans as a measure of financial friction. The results of the Bounds test indicate that there is a cointegration relationship between the model variables. The results of the model estimation show that the GDP has an asymmetric behavior in the short and long term. Based on this, in the short and long term, there is a significant relationship between GDP and the ratio Non-Performing Loans/Total Loans and financial market conditions have a significant non-linear effect on the dynamics of business cycles. According to the results, the effects of financial friction shock on business cycles are asymmetric, and therefore the predictive efficiency of all linear models is questioned. Finally, this study shows that economic prosperity can reduce the ratio of non-performing loans to total paid facilities over time, and this most likely reflects the effect of prosperity on employment and business conditions, and as a result, the ability of borrowers to repay loans.


Main Subjects

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