What does empirical evidence show about the importance of political freedom in economic freedom?

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 M.A. in Economics, Yazd University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Yazd University



What are the prerequisites for economic freedom and economic development? On the one hand, the “Friedman-Lee hypothesis” states that a free economy does not require a democratic political system in the early stages. On the other hand, the “Sen hypothesis” states that the free market cannot happen without a democratic political system. This conflict of views becomes more important when exceptions like Singapore and China are used to emphasize the unimportance of the political structure and postpone the process of democracy. Accordingly, the House of Liberty and Fraser Economic Freedom Indices for 119 countries from 1970 to 2018 (including 2497 observations) were collected and an attempt was made to answer this question. Evidence showed that political freedom and its sub-indices play a decisive role in explaining the difference between the level of economic freedom and its components. However, some evidence indicates civil liberties to be more important for achieving a free economic system. Democracy is a part of the process of economic reforms, and postponing democracy is a failure of any economic reforms.


Main Subjects

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