Analysis of the Role of Institutional Inconsistency and inefficiency of the governace system in the Underdevelopment of Iran Before the Revolution of 1979

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor of Economics at Yasouj University

2 PhD Candidate, Shiraz University

3 Assistant Professor of Economics at University of isfahan



The problem of identifying the roots and causes of underdevelopment of countries is a complex issue for which the extensive research has been done to explain it. The contribution of the present paper is that by using the method of direct content analysis in order to improve institutional analysis, it shows that the main element in the underdevelopment analysis is not "institutional quality" but "institutional consistency", the function of institutions appears in an institutional consistency. Thus, using such an approach, it is shown that one of the most important roots of underdevelopment and ultimately the decline and collapse of the Pahlavi's regime has been institutional inconsistency. The special focus of this study is on theorizing the new concept of "institutional inconsistency" and using it for institutional analysis of Iran's economy with emphasis on the inconsistency between traditional authoritarian political institutions and modern legal institutions such as parliament and civil law, between modern economic institutions, such as industry and tribal social structure in Iran, also in the light of the concept of institutional consistency for Iran, the key concepts of institutional analysis were identified.


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