An Analytical Framework in the Theory of Development: Culture, Power and Inequality

Document Type : a


1 Member of the Academic Board, Department of Economics, Al-Zahra University

2 M.A. Student in Economy of Development, Faculty of Sociology and Economics, Al-Zahra University


This paper is an attempt to provide an analytical framework for understanding the process of and reasons for successes and failures of development patterns. For this purpose, using an interdisciplinary approach, the role of factors like culture, power and inequality -which is the product of interaction between the first two factors- in the development of societies, is studied. The theoretical principals of this study are based on a combination of intuitionalist methodology, discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis. In the presentation of the analytical framework, an interdisciplinary approach is used which is a combination of political, sociological and economical theories. The results show that inattention to cultural grounds of development or, in other words, unofficial institutions and also adopting development policies which are inconsistent with cultural and moral principles of the society are among the important factors interrupting the process of development. Another finding is that if inequality increases during the development process and as a result of such policies, it will directly or indirectly create serious obstacles in the way of development. Due to creating different types of resistance, growth of cultural paradoxes and inequality in the society will prevent gathering of the forces for optimal use of the society’s capacity. It can therefore be concluded that power, whether in the form of political system or in hegemonic and moral atmospheres, has a major effect on cultural issues, inequality and resistance. Thus, power is related to development in different ways.



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