Art Market’s Infrastructures, Multiple job- Holding, and Artistic Income: The Case of Calligraphy Market in Mashhad

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 M. A. in Economics of the Arts and Culture. Member of Calligraphers Association of Iran.

2 Assistant Researcher in Economics, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

3 Member of The International Art Market Studies Association (TIAMSA)


Why are artists earning less than their counterparts? This question is a central debate in the literature of cultural economics. Infrastructures, which shape the relationships between market forces, play a key role in determining the level of market development, and consequently, employees’ incomes. To investigate the effect of the infrastructures on the income of calligraphers in Mashhad, this paper suggests a stylized framework for art market infrastructures in the form of six pillars: institutional environment, business environment, supply side, demand side, market structure, and market access. Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method, a multidimensional index is extracted for each pillar. The results of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regressions indicate that besides “near to decision-making centers” and “expos”; “multiple job-holding” has a significant positive effect on artistic income, in line with the great emphasis placed on it in the literature on cultural economics. However, the deeper findings of this paper show that if the copyright laws are fully applied, the “instability of laws and regulations” in the cultural sector is reduced, and an organized “distribution system” is established, “business start-up costs” is diminished, “share of government budget” to buy art products is increased, the relative allocation of calligraphers’ working time between artistic and non-artistic activities will change in favor of specialized artistic activity. Also, the higher the psychic income of artists, the more inclined they are to pursue multiple job-holding and transfer part of the income from other occupations to their profession.


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