The Challenges of Management Consultancy Development in Iran

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University


Today, management consultancy services have become important in the economic structure of developed countries. In successful businesses, consultants help the managers to make better decisions, find solutions to their problems and even implement new strategies. However, in Iran, management consultancy is still under-developed and many challenges prevent it from flourishing. The present research aims to explore the challenges of management consultancy development in Iran. The research was conducted using the qualitative method of thematic analysis. The interviewees were twenty expert consultants. The results showed that the challenges of management consultancy development in Iran can be classified into three main themes: demand-side factors, supply-side factors and, contextual factors. The research findings can be inspiring for the policymakers, consultants, and clients to play a more effective role in the economic development of Iran through developing management consultancy. Implementing the proposed solutions to the development dilemma of management consultancy in Iran requires the collaboration of many different actors.


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