Investigating the relationship between carbon dioxide emission cycle and business cycle: A case study of Iran

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This study investigates for the first time the relationship between carbon dioxide emission cycle and business cycle in Iran. Iran is one of the top ten countries in the world in terms of carbon dioxide emissions and the trend of carbon dioxide emissions in Iran has been upward, so research in this area is necessary. Based on the obtained results, carbon dioxide emissions and GDP are in line. According to the Christianofitz Gerald filter method, the fluctuations of the carbon dioxide emission cycle are more than the business cycle cycle, and according to the Baxterking filter and spectral analysis method, the fluctuations of the carbon dioxide emission cycle and the business cycle cycle are equal using the FD filter method. BN, Hamilton and the Hodrick Prescott filter method, the carbon dioxide emission cycle fluctuates less than the business cycle. Based on the filtration method, the fluctuations of the carbon dioxide emission cycle and the business cycle cycle did not achieve a single result.


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