An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Economics

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دانشیار اقتصاد گروه حقوق اقتصادی (Economic Law) دانشگاه شهید بهشتی


Interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary investigations are among the main elements of scientific progress in the 21st century. Compared with other fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, economics has some features that make it a perfect subject to an interdisciplinary study. Despite its rich investigatory capabilities, economics has encountered some challenges. Entering interdisciplinary studies, economics has reached a point that needs new analysis and criticism. The present paper attempts to explain these challenges. It also explains the dimensions and domain of its entrance into interdisciplinary studies. Through library documents and descriptive analysis, this paper will investigate the necessity of universal understanding of the common elements of economics, the feasibility of the adaptation of these elements in other disciplines, and the need to modify the orthodox approach. The results emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary studies for the common economics and show some structural problems in the dominant interdisciplinary approach.


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