The features of Explanation In the Theoretical System of Modern Institutionalism

Document Type : a


استادیار دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران مرکزی


The purpose of this article is to present a picture of the explanatory model of new institutionalism and we intend to illustrate the various dimensions of this theoretical apparatus in explaining economic phenomena. Accordingly, in this article, we focus on three important aspects in each theoretical apparatus, namely, inclusive analysis unit, the method of explanation, and judgment criterion, and we claim that the theoretical device of new institutionalism in these domains, in comparing with the competing theories, such as neoclassical and old institutionalism, has significant efficiencies. The ability of the unit of analysis to being objective and observable and its correspondence to external realities, the ability to express the causality in economic performance based on the principles of inference logic, and testability of theories are the most important aspects of the New Institutional Theoretical Framework.


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