Islamic Economics; Allocation of Income and Consumption Behavior

Document Type : a


1 Research Fellow of Economics Department in Istitute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 Graduale student of Economics in Shahid Beheshti university


Consumption has attracted much attention among economics arguments which indicates its importance among economic subjects. One of the most important factors influencing consumption pattern is income. This article is to examine the allocation of income in the Islamic economics. Considering that in Islamic economics the criterion of rational behavior is its correspondence with Islamic values and standards, therefore, the present article is to show that the goal in the Islamic society is to satisfy the Almighty to its fullest. With this goal in mind the income is to be spent in three areas; consumption, expenditure in the social sharing (to give and donate in order to please God) and investment. The allocation of the income in the Islamic economics is to be spent for functionally and economically important matters like: easing poverty and improvement of the distribution of income, increment in the efficiency of Bazar (business), improvement of economy, regulating economic irregularities, improving the standard of living for all, preserving the environment and the like. Therefore, if each individual follows the instruction of the Quran and the direction given by the Prophet (B) and observes the strict rules of the true religion (like avoiding the conspicuous consumption, prodigal spending, wastage and overspending), the Islamic society will witness the, improvement, development and glory.


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