The Economic Effects of the Domestic Tourists In Yazd Province (Regional Input-Output Model)

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University

2 PhD student in econometrics, Faculty of Economics, Universityof Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, Iran.

3 Master's student in Economics, theoretical orientation, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University.



The purpose of this research is to answer the following question:
What is the impact of tourists in a region on the production and employment of that region and other national economies? For this purpose, the national input-output table of 2015 published by Central Bank has been prepared based on the generalized spatial share method of SFLQ in twenty districts and for two regions of Yazd province and other national economies. Then, the effectiveness of domestic tourism in Yazd province has been investigated. The results of the current research indicate that domestic tourists in Yazd province in 2015, the production of the province increased by 989 billion Rials and the employment of the province increased by 10,101 people. In addition, the arrival of domestic tourists in Yazd province has generated 1611 billion Rials in the national economy and created 48636 jobs. Also, the results show that "other services" and "transportation" sectors have the most effective production and employment due to the arrival of domestic tourists. By identifying the location and effectiveness of tourism areas, it will be possible to implement appropriate planning, which will automatically lead to the development of other sectors of this industry.


Main Subjects

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