The Impact of Women's Development Indicators on Oil Rent

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor of Marketing, Department of Management, Buinzahra Branch, Islamic Azad University, Buinzahra, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Economics, Faculty of Managmanet, Economy and Accunting, Hormozgan University, Bandarabbas, Iran

4 MA in Entrepreneurship Management, Department of Entrepreneurship Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran



In most developingcountries that export oil and have weak institutional quality,oil plays a hindering role in their economic growth and development.Therefore,these countries prioritize enhancing the value of their oil products and diversifying their offerings to gain a competitive edge in the global markets and achieve sustained economic growth and development.Numerous other research articlesexamining economic growth have reached the consensus that empowering women,who comprise half of a country's human resources,yields beneficial outcomes inshaping the planning of the development process and its effectiveness.Additionally, achieving balanced growth and sustainable development is akey objective that involves adopting a positive and equitable approach towards addressing women's issues and empowering them to assume diverseroles in the developmentprocess (Khosravi etal.,2011:125).However,it appears that the impact of key measures of women's progress on the shift from an oil-based economy has not been examined using actual evidence from developing nationsthat export oil, particularly Iran.The significance ofwomen in a country's economy lies inthefact thatthey constitute half of the population and have the potential toliberate oil-exporting economies from reliance on oil revenue whilemitigating potential adverse effects ofoil income.Consequently, this study aims tofill this research gap by investigating the subject using data from17chosen developing oil-exporting countries,for which the required data was available between2011and2018.


Main Subjects

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