The effect of covid -19 on businesses through the survival analysis approach (case study :Hamadan province)

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate Professor of Social &Economic faculty at Bu ali University

2 Assistant Professor of Economic at Saravan Higher Education Complex,M



The emergence of the Covid crisis around the world and its impact on the economic activity caused many countries to experience a recession during this period that affected all sectors of the economy. During the period of facing this crisis, many countries witnessed a decrease in economic growth because this disease caused the closure of production companies and the adjustment of the workforce, which resulted in a decrease in economic growth. This study aims to assess the effect of covid 19 on businesses through the survival analysis approach. By using the information of starting and ending of businesses during December-2011 and September 2021, we have resulted that the businesses had a 10% lower risk of closure before the start of Covid19. Also businesses in the other cities of the province 35% less likely to close down compared to Hamadan city.
Key words: Covid19, survival Analysis, closure rate of business
JEL:I10, D22, I10


Main Subjects

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