Political Economy of "Peace-Oriented Development": a Framework of a New Path for Iran's Economic Development

Document Type : a


Associate Professor of Political Science at Faculty of Law, Political Science and History, Yazd University



Peace is one of the most moral human concepts and Peacebuilding is also an issue that has been the subject of reflection by thinkers in the fields of ethics and philosophy for centuries. However, recent studies show that peace is not a purely moral issue but a phenomenon with economic benefits. This is especially important for Iran which is facing various internal and mainly external tensions. By using descriptive-analytical method, the paper examines the meaning of peace and its economic benefits from a theoretical and empirical perspective and then discusses the issue that despite benefiting from some of the benefits of economic development in recent decades, Iran not only has long been caught in various economic traps, but also the level of internal and external tensions has increased, and as a result, needs a transition to a new path of economic development. The results show that "Peace-Oriented Development" is a suitable alternative to get out of the traps and bottlenecks of the country's development. How to build peace-oriented development is a question that is answered in the final section of the paper in the form of a triple plan for changing interests-ideology-institutions.


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