Factors affecting the tourism industry with emphasis on the competitive advantage of tourist destinations in Iran (Case study: Mazandaran province)

Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran,

2 Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


tourism industry as the invisible export of goodscservice,due to its efficiency on the process of production and employment,is one of the most important and lucrative industries in the world and can play an outstanding role in providing foreing currency income and economical growth and development in countries.based on this ,studying the challenges facing this industry ,especially on the view point of competitive advantage  of the world's tourism destining is under the special emphasis of experts in this field.to this,th and. Today, however, studies have been conducted on the competitive advantage of the world's tourism destining the challenges facing this industry,ations, but studies of such communities and practices in this regard have not been carried out in the tourism destinations of our, and this necessity makes such studies even more apparent. In this study, the researcher, considering 12 indicators that existed in standard, finally  present study considerind 12 sub-indicators in 4 categories identified as primary factors(cultural heritage resources, natural heritage resources),and secondary factors(supportive and situational factors, priority of planning and development policy, tourism destination management), third factors(key resources and attractions, public infrastructure, demand conditions ) , and finally competition(cost control capability, focus capability, differentiation capability) and Acceptability of statistical methods to confirm the reliability and validity of research has been established and ranking of research model dimensions using Friedman test on Factors affecting the tourism industry with emphasis on the competitive advantage of tourist destinations in Iran (Case study: Mazandaran province),  result of this study showing that categorise of effective factors on attracting tourism is  cultural heritage resources, made r esource, supportive and situational factors, natural heritage resources, priority of planning and development policy, key resources and attractions, demand conditions, tourism destination management, cost control capability, public infrastructure, focus capability and differentiation capability.therefore,it can be induced that destination competitiveness,in case of relative importance on other influential factors on mazandaran province tourist destinations enjoys less priority.


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