Determining a framework for measuring inclusive growth

Document Type : Scientific-research


PhD in Economic Development, University of Mazandaran


Inclusive growth strategy is a new concept in growth economics that emerged due to the simultaneous occurrence of high economic growth on the one hand and poverty, inequality and unemployment on the other hand and became dominant as a policy framework in the world and attracted the attention of researchers around the world. This paper, by providing a comprehensive definition of inclusive growth, agrees to calculate the appropriate index with respect to the ability to access information for inclusive growth. For this purpose, Different dimensions of inclusive growth were identified and calculated using the Principal component analysis method (PCA) in the period 2000-2017 to set a selected set of complaints with upper middle_income countries, including Iran. The results showed that inclusive growth in Iran has increased during the years under study. Despite this, the rate of this increase was less compared to selected countries, which has distanced the inclusive growth in Iran compared to the average inclusive growth in selected countries.


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