Investigating the Impact of Economic, Political and Social Indicators of Globalization on the Situation of the Iranian Labor Market: The Regression Approach of Fixed Minimum Squares during the years 1375-1393

Document Type : Scientific-research


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Globalization and its consequences are becoming ever more widespread and important in today's human world. Perhaps the most important of these impacts comes from the economic, political and social dimensions. Extensive interactions in today's world have made these aspects highly intertwined, making them more complex in different societies and countries. Perhaps one of the most important issues affected by these different dimensions is the globalization of the labor market and the employment situation in a country. In light of these findings, the present study attempted to investigate the impact of economic, political and social indicators of Globalization on employment status in Iran during the years 1996-2014 by using the ROBUSTLS Robust Least Squares regression method. The results showed the positive effect of economic and social indicators of Globalization on unemployment and the negative effect of political index of Globalization on unemployment in Iran.


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