Immigration and Emigration, Total and Educated, and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Study

Document Type : a


1 کارشناس ارشد اقتصاد، پژوهشگاه علوم انسانی و مطالعات فرهنگی

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


The main concern of economists is recognizing the determinants of economic growth. One of the most important determinants is human capital. This factor has been seriously affected by migration globally during past decades. This paper aims to examine the impact of migration on economic growth using a panel data model on the data of 180 countries during 1965-2015. Total emigrants and immigrants relative to population and educated emigrants relative to total emigrants are the main regressors. Findings show that immigration regardless of educational level has a negative effect on economic growth. But considering interaction effects of developing countries and immigration shows positive coefficient. Emigration regardless of educational level has a negative and significant impact on economic growth. But taking into account the immigrant remittances reduces the negative effect and makes it insignificant. This result support new theories on migration. Educated emigrants have negative effect on economic growth. In this case, even taking into account the remittances does not reduce this negative effect.


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