The affecting factors on environment and sustainable development in MENA and OECD countries; Based on STIRPAT

Document Type : a


1 دانشجوی دکتری دانشگاه یزد

2 دانشیار دانشگاه یزد

3 کارشناس ارشد اقتصاد


Examining the order and importance of the factors effecting environment seems to be very useful in the process of sustainable development. Extending the STIRPAT model, this paper explores the effects of economic growth, population growth, the share of industrial sector in the economy, energy efficiency and Kyoto protocols on carbon dioxide emissions in the MENA and OECD countries. Using software STATA 12.1 the research has analyzed the data from 54 countries in the form of panel data. The results indicate that economic growth, population growth and industrial sector share in national production has a positive and significant effect on the level of carbon dioxide emissions, as an environmental indicator, and thereby on the sustainable development. Energy efficiency and the Kyoto Protocol adoption have caused a decrease in carbon dioxide emissions.


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