Iranian Development Dilemma; Introducing the Model of Minimal Systems Non-coincidence in Development Analysis

Document Type : a


کارشناس ارشد توسعه و برنامه‌ریزی اقتصادی


This paper introduces a primary model to analyze socio-dynamics. The analysis of social development dynamics is carried out based on path-dependency and bargaining to change the terms of exchange as well as resources control. Every period is considered as a minimal system comprising three vectors of motivation-information, choice, and accumulation, top of which the institutional matrix is placed. It is possible to divide the institutional matrix into several matrixes as a symbol of non-coincidence of minimal systems, when there are significant transaction costs and inefficient property rights. In long-run, the game is set toward institutions (rules) of the exchange, while it is focused on resources exchange based on institutional constraints in short-run.


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