A comparative study of the relationship between trade relations expansion and financial market development

Document Type : a


استادیار اقتصاد، دانشگاه پیام نور


Today many economist researchers are interested in the study of the relationship between trade relations expansion among countries and financial markets development in terms of theoretical foundations and applied and empirical studies. Well-known researchers such as Levin and Tristan Beck have obtained various results from this kind of study. What is important for us in this paper is to examine the significance of this relationship in the oil-rich countries (OPEC member). A 30-year period study (from 1980 onwards) of 67 countries shows that although the relationship between trade relations expansion of countries and financial markets development is confirmed at least for rich countries, on the basis of the data panel method, but this connection in poor countries, and in particular MENA countries (Middle East and North Africa), which benefit from underground resources, is not confirmed. In this study, we have employed simple and combined indices (various variables representing the performance of financial markets through principal components analysis) to investigate the performance of financial markets.


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