Morality and Economics; A Structural, Bilateral, and Sustainable Link

Document Type : a


* استاد اقتصاد، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی


The relationship between morality and economics, and the capacity to influence each other, has always been a rooted debate in the studies of these two disciplines. Therefore, this research is a new capacity-assessment of an old subject. In appearance, one may suppose that economics is a technical device and morality has a normative nature so that there is no meaningful relationship between them. But it can be shown that they are structurally, bilaterally, and sustainably related in terms of the origin and source of formation, administrative place, and also the dynamic and systemic capacity. The serious dialogue among the most important scientific economics associations, at the international level, especially in 2011 and 2014, is another reflection of the importance of the research. Also, removing some misunderstandings in describing the relationship between morality and economics is a strong motive for thinking in this field. This article is an investigation in this regard, using theories of both disciplines in exploratory paths, content analysis techniques, and library resources. The findings of this research show the long-term, rooted, and bilateral relationship between morality and economics.


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