An Introduction to the Islamic Paradigm of Economic Development

Document Type : a



The present study explains the quiddity of the goals and basics of Islamic paradigm of economic development based on the fact that the paradigm of development, in any country, is affected by metaphysical defaults and features of time and place. Therefore the main purpose of this study is to induce the presuppositions of Islamic paradigm of economic development from Islamic worldview, using axiomatic methodology. First, based on monotheism the materialistic (physical) requirements of realization of this ultimate goal, i.e. the right of subsistence is defined. Then the concept of social justice, as the highest goal for the paradigm of development is addressed based on the right of subsistence of human beings and social balance. In order to study the basics of Islamic paradigm of development, the relation of individual and society is analyzed using systems theory. Accordingly, then, the limits of individual freedom, society’s responsibility, legal framework of market and the jurisdiction of government’s interference are defined.


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