A Comparative Study of Stock Exchange Market Transactions and Islamic Contracts

Document Type : a



So significant is the stock exchange market in economy that it is almost impossible to eliminate it from the modern economy. This market has the capacity to embody various transactions, which are identified in legal terms in order to their elements, institutes, relations and effects are discovered. Analyzing such transactions on can reveal their situation in the civil and trading laws. Thus, Muslim thinkers and experts have no choice but to conduct a juridical study to compare the common transactions with Islamic contracts. The present paper aims at a comparative study of the transactions in the stock exchange market and the Islamic contracts. In various types of common transactions in Iran, including the stock exchange of goods or securities (tradable financial asset), there are elements and relations that seem to be inconsistent with some Islamic contracts. However, given the widespread capacity of Islamic jurisprudence, other contracts can be replaced. For example, the transaction of bonds and pawn brokerage-based sale of shares in the Stock Exchange Market which are not consistent with Islamic contracts can be replaced by Sokouk (sharia compliant bonds) and simultaneous sale and purchase of Salaf respectively. 



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