A comparative study of the most important economic issues of Iran and Tajikistan

Document Type : a




Economic issues create an unfavorable situation for people's social life and endanger economic and social life. The present article is the result of an exploratory and field operation study which has been done in Iran in the form of a research titled ‘A Comparative Study of Socio-economic and demographic issues in Iran and Tajikistan’.
In this research, using some resources, documents and preliminary interviews, we created a credible list of economic issues of Iran and Tajikistan (34 Economic Issues in Iran and 38 Economic Issues in Tajikistan). We shared this list with 50 experts in the field of humanities from Iran and 48 experts from Tajikistan in order to identify the most important economic issues of the countries. Finally, twelve issues, as the most important issues of the two countries, were selected to form a questionnaire by means of which 400 people from Iran and Tajikistan were interviewed. From interviewees’ point of views the most important economic issues of Iran are inflation, expensiveness, inability to economic compete in the global market, corruption  (favoritism and bribery), unemployment, economic insecurity, smuggling of goods, low income and wage levels, and economic poverty. Some of major economic issues identified in Tajikistan are unemployment, corruption (bribery in police and in governmental departments, favoritism), the inability of domestic goods to compete with imported goods, lack of employment situation, economic dependence on foreign countries, and lower income and wages.


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