Renaissance of Economic Sociology

Document Type : a


Ph.D Assistant Professor, Department of Political Sciences, University of Isfahan


Since its emergence in the late 1890's until the contemporary period, economic sociology has witnessed remarkable developments. Economic sociologists have classified these developments into three chronological periods: The Emergence Period from 1890 to the late 1920; the Decline Period from 1930 to 1960; and the Renaissance Period following the 1970's. Such a classification is more or less common in the economic sociology; however, there is a lack of vivid discussion on the reasons and factors that contributed to the decline and then the rebirth of economic sociology, which needs to be investigated.
Focusing on this need, this article first explores the reasons for the decline and renaissance of economic sociology in different areas. Then, it explains that the decline and renaissance of economic sociology are basically the result or outcome of thickening and thinning boundaries between economy and sociology. And finally, by emphasizing this key idea, the article argues that the boundaries between sociology and economy are not pre-defined, solid and clear-cut, rather they should be considered flexible, changing, and historical.


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